Why we collect textiles separately?

This is how we recycle textiles

Clothing and other textiles that are not directly rereusable, we recycle them into raw materials. They are are crushed until only fiber remains. Often these fibers are a motley collection of colorparticles from which new products are made, such as bags or blankets.

This may be put in the textile bin

The great thing about clothing and shoes is that you can can often reuse them. If you've worn them out yourself, but the material is still in good condition, then someone else can still enjoy it. Is it broken or just not as nice anymore? Then recycle we recycle the fabric! Wornand torn clothing, jackets with broken zippers, but also old curtains may in the special textile container. As long as it is clean and dry.

Textile instinkers


Flooring, rugs and carpet do not belong to textiles


Ancient matrassen You can hand in at the environmental street. There are special containers where they collect old mattresses.n.


Allow wet clothes, textiles and shoes to dryfirst.

speckled dust

Clothes with paint or oil stains cannot be properly recylclen, they may go in the residual waste.


Don't stink at it. Stuffing of pillows or stuffed animals does not belong in textiles but in residual waste.


Pillows and comforters may be handed in, but not through the dumpster. Rather bring them to the recycling center.

How to make textiles more recyclable

Clothes, shoes and stuffed animals, all valuable .. Especially if they are collected properly. If we separate textiles properly, they can be given a second life. With the following tips textiles even more recyclable.

Not too full

Don't put too much in one bag. A bag that is too full will tear more quickly, which can make your turned-in items dirty.

Tie them up

During collection, a left and right shoe often lose each other! Therefore, tie the laces together to keep them together.

Breakage? No problem!

Broken textiles-for example, a sock with a hole or a dress with a tear-may also be put in a textile container.

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