Han Rooks is the waste coach of the gemeente Dronten. 'As waste coach, I give residents information about why separating waste is important. And if people need it or if this is necessary, I am happy to give them tips," he says enthusiastically.
When asked if he thinks separating waste is important, a firm answer comes. 'If we all separate our waste properly, it's not only good for the environment ... it's also good for your wallet. We want less residual waste. Separated waste can be reused or recycled. Residual waste ends up in the incinerator. This costs money. Burning waste is a last resort.'
'We actually see waste as raw material. There are many materials from which we can still make new products. We recycle vegetable, fruit and garden waste (VGF) into compost. From plastic packaging from the kitchen and bathroom (PBD) we make new plastic," he explains.
'Good information is important. Fortunately, we see that many residents of Dronten, Swifterbant and Biddinghuizen already separate their waste well. Still, there are a couple of flaws. Styrofoam is at the top of the list. That belongs nowhere else but at the waste disposal site.'
'We are going for 100 percent waste separation. And I am confident that we are going to achieve this together.' This is also a personal mission of Han's. "I would like to leave a good world for my children.
PBD is mainly household packaging material. So the plastic of meat products, the bread bag and the plastic packaging of vegetables.
Buy a trash can with three or four different compartments. For food waste (GFT), plastic, can and drink containers (PBD), residual waste and paper.
Want more tips on separating trash? Employee collection Sander knows exactly what belongs in which bin.
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